Corpus de Incunables de Clásicos Latinos en España


English version

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Historiae Romanae decades (trad. esp.) (Liv.), Salamanca 1496
Identificador BECLaR: CICLE0075-093a
Ubicación: New York (New York, US)
Biblioteca: Columbia University Libraries
Signatura: Goff L249
Descripción: Encuadernación moderna en cuero, de Riviere & Sons. Anotaciones modernas, dispersas a lo largo del ejemplar. Presenta una nota en la descripción del librero: "The text of the present copy is perfect, but the table and register, occupying the final 11 leaves, are supplied in facsimile and a small corner of the title page is restored".
Observaciones: Se encuentra entre los fondos de la Butler Library. Fue adquirido por la Butler Library en mayo de 1956 al librero neoyorquino F. Thomas Heller.
Las dudas sobre el carácter genuino de ciertos folios del ejemplar es expresada por los propios Bibliotecarios de la Butler Library (Jane R. Siegel, Rare Books and Manuscript Library): "I find that the collation reflects that in BMC X 50, except for the final blank. I asked our Conservator to look at the volume as well. Though neither they nor I had enough time to do a thorough job, we agree that the last 11 leaves are indeed a facsimile (the paper is similar to the rest, but of a different paper stock, lacking watermarks). We are concerned about sections a-c, and a number of leaves scattered throughout the text (d2 & 7, g2&7&8, k2 & 7, q2 & 7, t 2 & 7, v3 & 6, according to my notes) which are noticeably browner than the rest. It is possible all or some of these are also facsimile, or perhaps just browned from an attempt to erase longer annotations from the pages. Some at least of the browned pages do have ms annotations".
- PhiloBiblon, 7 BETA copid 1447
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Última actualización: 22-07-2021

BECLaR: Biblioteca de Ediciones de Clásicos Latinos en el Renacimiento
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